Aarti is said to have descended from the Vedic concept of Agni Vidhi or Homa. In the traditional Aarti ceremony, Flower Earth , Represents water and the accompanying handkerchief will be related to the water element), ghee or oil lamp represents the fire element,Peacock feathers represent the valuable quality of air (movement). And the yak-tail fan shows the subtle type of ether. Udbatti signifies purity of mind and ones "intelligence" is given by following and ordering the rules of time. Thus through the Aarti ceremony, ones entire existence and all aspects of material creation are symbolically given to the Lord.The word may also be a traditional Hindu devotional song sung during the ritual.While performing Aarti, such a feeling should be created in the mind of the devotee, It is as if he is performing Aarti of God with the help of Panch-prana. The light of ghee is considered to be the symbol of the light of the soul of the soul.If the devotees pray to God from the heart, it is called Pancharati.That is why Aarti has been made in the spirit of the devotees.This application contains the number of Aartis of various deities of Hinduism